My azîz, siddîq brothers!

Firstly: I seriously share in the pains of those stricken by this calamity of a strange fire that occurred in Isparta. Because, just like I am from Isparta in many respects, in my view, that blessed city is greatly significant with its stones and soil, and it is the Azhar University of the Nur and the centre of its Madrasatu’z Zahra.

Say to those stricken by this calamity on my behalf, “The nass of hadith states that all properties of the people of îmân that they have lost in such calamities become sadaqa. Particularly in this age, like a hundred sadaqa, those transient properties of them will transform into many more eternal properties. For this reason, in one aspect, it is necessary to offer shukr in patience. In this world, too, InshâAllah, Arham'ur Râhimîn will bestow replacements for those losses that became kaffârah adh-dhunûb. We hope you will get better soon, and we extend our condolences. Do not worry unnecessarily.”

Secondly: Since one reason for these kinds of accidents is an ugly wrongdoing of mankind, Isparta, which is the source and madrasa of the Risale-i Nur more than anywhere, is incumbent on and owed to protect the honour and value of this noble Ramadhan and to preserve the Risale-i Nur; Isparta is responsible for protecting the shaâ’er of Islam from all kinds of dissipation.


Yukarı Çık