The brother asks some questions. The Risale-i Nur leaves no need for questions and answers everything in my place.

Only for his question about the âyah يَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَانٌ مُخَلَّدُونَ1 in the risale on the condolence for the death of a child, some old tafsirs say that, in Jannah, from the children to the elderly, everyone will be thirty-three years of age. 2 اللّٰه أعْلَم , the haqiqah of it should be this:

The phrase وِلْدَانٌ3 in the sarîh âyah expresses that the children, for whom it is not compulsory to perform the fardh of the Sharî’ah and who do not perform them since they are Sunnah for them and who die before the age of puberty, will always be lovable children worthy of Jannah. But it is in the Sharî’ah that, in order to familiarise the children, parents should encouragingly command a child who reached the age of seven to perform fardh such as the salâh, and when he reaches ten years old, they should strongly make him perform salâh and accustom to it. That is to say, in order to receive great rewards like pious adults, children, from the age of seven until the age of puberty, who perform salâh and hold sawm like adults, which is nawâfil and is not wâjib for them, will be thirty-three years old in Jannah. Some tafsirs included all children, without elucidating this point. It was supposed to be general, although it is specific.


1 (Immortal youths will wait upon them.)

2 (Allah knows best.)

3 (Youths)

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