The Sixteenth Flash - The First

The First: Certain men among our brothers like Çaprazzade Abdullah Efendi asked me: “Related to ahl al-kashf, although it was told that this last Ramadhan a relief from difficulties and a victory were going to occur for Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'ah, it did not occur. Why do such people of walâyah and kashf give news that is contrary to reality?” A summary of the answer I gave them, which suddenly occurred to my heart, is this:

It is reached in the Noble Hadith: "Sometimes the calamity descends; sadaqa confronts and repels it on the way." The mystery of this Hadith shows that while events appointed by the qadar are going to occur through certain conditions, they do not occur. That is to say, the events appointed by qadar, which the people of kashf are informed, are not absolute but rather restricted by certain conditions; on those conditions not being occurred, the event does not occur. But that event, like the undecided appointed time for the end of one's life1 , has been written and determined in the Lawh al-mahw and ithbât, which is a sort of notebook of the Lawh al-Azalî. Rarely, kashf reaches as far as Lawh al-Azalî. Most of them cannot reach that far.

Thus, as a consequence of this mystery, the news given as a result of extractions or the sort of kashf on this last Noble Ramadhan and ‘Eid al-Adha or at other times did not occur because the conditions on which they were dependent were not fulfilled; they do not give the lie to those who told of them. For they were determined but did not occur before the conditions having fulfilled.

Yes, in the month of Noble Ramadhan, the sincere du'â of the majority of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'ah for the removal of bid’ahs was a condition and important reason. Unfortunately, since bid’ahs entered the masjîd in the Noble Ramadhan, they built a barrier to the acceptance of the du'âs, and the release from difficulties did not arrive. Just as according to the mystery of the above Hadith, sadaqa repels calamities, so does the sincere du'â of the majority attract a general release from difficulties. Since the power of attraction did not come into being, victory also was not given.


1 (الأجل المعلّق - Al-ajal al-mu‘allaq: The appointed time for the end of one's life subjected to certain conditions, which is appointed and written on Lawh al-mahw and ithbât.)

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