Dictionary / Arabic - Turkish Terminology



The manifestation of Allah’s Oneness over all things.


“Just as the majesty of Rubûbiyyah, which is manifested in the totality of the universe, proves and demonstrates Ilahî Wahdâniyyah, so Rabbânî ni’mah, which bestows on the members of animate creatures their regular provisions, proves and demonstrates Ilahî Ahadiyyah.

As for Wâhidiyyah, it is to say that all those creatures belong to One and they look to One and they are the creation of One. Whereas by Ahadiyyah is meant that most of the Names of Al-Khâliq of all things are manifested in all beings. For example, the light of the sun displays an example of Wâhidiyyah by reason of its comprehending the face of the earth. While the fact that its light and heat, the seven colours in its light and some sort of shadow of it are found in all transparent objects and drops of water displays an example of Ahadiyyah. And the fact that most of As-Sâni’s Names are manifested in each single thing, especially in each animate creature, and above all in man, points to Ahadiyyah.

Thus, this section indicates that the majesty of Rubûbiyyah, which has total disposal over the universe, makes the huge sun as a servant, a lamp, and a stove for animate creatures on the face of the earth; and makes the mighty earth a cradle, a hostel, and place of trade for them; and fire, a cook and friend present everywhere; and clouds, strainers and wet-nurses; and mountains, storehouses and treasuries; and the air, a fan for animate creatures, for breathing in and out; and water, a nurse who suckles new arrivals to life and a seller of sweet drinks who supplies animals with the water of life; this Ilahî Rubûbiyyah demonstrates Ilahî Wahdâniyyah in a most lucid manner.

Indeed, who other than Al-Khâliq Al- Wâhid could subjugate the sun so that it is a servant to the inhabitants of the earth? And who other than Al-Wâhid Al-Ahad could take the wind in His hand entrusting it with a great many duties and employing it as a swift and agile servant on the face of the earth? And who apart from Al-Wâhid Al-Ahad would dare to make fire a cook, and to cause a tiny flame the size of a match-head to consume thousands of tons of goods? And so on. Every single thing, every single element, every single heavenly body, points to Al-Wâhid Zuljalâl, at the degree of the majesty of Rubûbiyyah.

Thus, as wâhidiyyah is apparent in the degree of Glory (Jalâl) and majesty, so ni’mah and munificence proclaim Ilahî Ahadiyyah at the degree of Beauty (Jamâl) and rahmah. This is because, within this all-embracing art, there are in animate creatures and especially in man, faculties and abilities with which to understand, accept, and desire infinite varieties of ni’mahs, and which reflect all the Ilahî Names manifested in the whole universe. Simply, like a point of focus, man displays all Al-Asmâ Al-Husnâ together by means of the mirror of his essence, and through it, proclaims Ilahî Ahadiyyah.” The Letters (278-279 )


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