What is the risale-i nur?
Why risale-i nur?
What is necessity (dharûrah)?
Question: We heard there are Hadiths in the meaning, “the reason of the creation of the universe and the creatures is the Prophet Muhammed (asm) and everything created from His nûr. He is the seed of the universe”. The âyah (51:56) says “I created not jinn and mankind except that they might perform ‘ibâdah to me.” These two look like contrary each other.
Question:If we are all equal and Allah loves us all equally then why is it that Allah has created us so differently? For example, people born with disabilities and sickness, as well as people with more favourable external qualities than others? How is this equal when people will suffer either physically or emotionally? PART 1
Question:If we are all equal and Allah loves us all equally then why is it that Allah has created us so differently? For example, people born with disabilities and sickness, as well as people with more favourable external qualities than others? How is this equal when people will suffer either physically or emotionally? PART 2
Question:If we are all equal and Allah loves us all equally then why is it that Allah has created us so differently? For example, people born with disabilities and sickness, as well as people with more favourable external qualities than others? How is this equal when people will suffer either physically or emotionally? PART 3