The meaning of the non-mu’min Muslim and the non-Muslim mu’min is this: At the early period of the Freedom1 , I was seeing irreligious people penetrated among the members of the Party of Union and Progress2 ; they accepted that Islam and the Sharî’ah of Ahmad contain profitable and valuable sublime principles for the social life of mankind and particularly for the politics of the Ottoman and they were supporters of the Sharî’ah of Ahmad with all their strength. At that point, they were Muslims. That is to say, although they were supporters of haqq and had iltizâm of haqq, they were not mu’mins. It means that they deserve to be categorized as non-mu’min Muslims. But now, although he is a supporter of the European methods and the currents of bid’ah, which destroy the Sharî’ah under the name of civilization, he carries îmân in Allah, the âkhirah and the Prophet and knows himself as a mu’min. Since he does not have iltizâm and true support for the laws of the Sharî’ah of Ahmad, which are haqq and haqiqah, he becomes a non-Muslim mu’min. As Islam without îmân can not be the means of salvation, neither îmân can withstand without Islam knowingly. It can be said that it can not give salvation.


1 (First Period of the 2nd Constitutionalism.) (Tr.)

2 (Ittihad ve Terakki) (Tr.)

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