His frugality: Frugality is nothing other than the tafsir and explanation of the istighnâ mentioned above. As a matter of fact, to enter the palace of frugality, one must first enter through the door of istighnâ. For this reason, frugality and istighnâ necessitate one another.
The frugality of a mujahid, who takes the Prophets as his examples regarding istighnâ, becomes a natural trait to an extent which occurs automatically. And in a day, a dish of soup, a glass of water and a piece of bread are sufficient for him. For this great man, as the French poet Lamartine said: "He does not live to eat, but rather eats to live."
After completely understanding the way and outlook of Ustadh, I am reluctant to compare his frugality with simple things such as eating and drinking. For, it is necessary to measure the elevated frugality of this great man by applying it to ma’nawî areas and by using non-material criterias.
For example, Ustadh was a genius who measured the power of this elevated frugality by not wasting the ma’nawî and non-material values such as thought, mind, potential, ability, moment, time, the nafs and breath, not only by the simple things such as eating, drinking and dressing. And he also instilled in his students this careful method of inspecting and observing, which he followed throughout his life as a moral quality.
Hence making a Nur student read any random work and making him listen to every word is not easy. For the word "Careful!" written in the focal point of his heart acts as a most sensitive control mechanism.
Thus, Bediuzzaman is a rare jewel of fitrah who has actively proven himself as a powerful reformer and a most extraordinary 'pedagogue' — Murabbî — by the pristine generation he rose and has added in the history of frugality another satin page written with glittering nûr.