The world is going through a great ma’nawî crisis. A disaster of sickness, pestilence and plague born in the Western community, whose ma’nawî pillars have been shaken, spreads worldwide. With what kind of cures will the Islamic community fight this terrible contagious disease? With the rotten, putrid and decayed bâtil formulas of the West, or with the fresh principles of îmân of the Islamic community? I see that the great minds are in ghaflah. The rotten pillars of kufr cannot hold the fortress of îmân; therefore, I have dedicated all my time only to îmân.

They do not understand the Risale-i Nur or do not want to understand it. They think I am a hoja of a madrasa sunk in a scholastic swamp. I have studied all the sciences, modern sciences and philosophy, and I have solved the most complex issues on these matters. I even published a number of books on these matters. However, I do not know these games of logic. Neither do I care about the deceptions of philosophy. I express and explain matters about the community’s domestic life, its ma’nawî existence, conscience and îmân. I work only on the foundation of tawhîd and îmân established by the Qur’an; it is the main pillar of the Islamic community. The day this is shattered, there will be no community.

They say, “Why did you annoy these people?” I am not aware. There is a terrible fire in front of me. Its flames are reaching the skies. It is my child burning in it; my îmân is on fire and burning. I am running to extinguish that fire and save my îmân. What is its importance if someone tries to trip me up on my way and my foot hits him? Does this small incident mean anything in the face of that terrible fire? Narrow thoughts! Narrow views!


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