Dictionary / Arabic - Turkish Terminology

ÂKHIRZAMAN - آخر الزمان


The end of the world. The end of time. The last period of the earth’s life that is near to qiyâmah.


Question: It is said that the Sahabah saw Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm, then they believed. However, we have believed without seeing him. In which case, our îmân is stronger. Also, there are riwâyât that indicate the strength of our îmân.

The Answer: While the general thoughts of the world were antagonistic and against the haqiqahs of Islam at that time, by only seeing Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm in the form of a human being, sometimes without miracles, the Sahabah gained such an îmân that all the general thoughts of the world could not shake their îmân and did not even give any waswasa to some of them, let alone doubts. As for you, you compare your îmân with the îmân of the Sahabah. There is no comparison between your îmân that falls into doubt and waswasa at the word of a European philosopher, although the general thoughts of Islam give strength to your îmân and are the proofs of your îmân and you see not the humanity and bodily form of Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm, which is the seed of the tûbâ-tree of nubuwwah but rather, with the mind's eye, his magnificent and luminous ma’nawî collective personality, which is illuminated through all the nûrs of Islam and haqiqahs of the Qur'an and surrounded by a thousand miracles, and with the îmân of the Sahabah that has not shaken in the face of the attacks of the entire world of kufr, Christians, Jews and philosophers. O the one who makes such a claim, there is no comparison between your faint îmân, which does not demonstrate the fardh completely on you due to being extremely weak, and with the intense taqwâ and perfect righteousness of the Sahabah, which demonstrate the strength of their îmân. But the hadith: "Those at the âkhirzaman who do not see me and believe are more acceptable" is about particular fadhîlah. It is about certain special individuals, while our discussion is in regard to general fadhîlah and the majority.

The Addendum to the Twenty-Seventh Word


In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "at the âkhirzaman, no one will remain who will say: Allah! Allah!" 1 لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ , a ta’wîl of it must be as follows: the takkas2, the places of dhikr and the madrasas, where the dhikr of “Allah! Allah! Allah!” is recited, will be closed, and a name other than the Name Allah will be used in the shaâ’er, such as the adhan and iqâmah. It does not mean that all mankind will fall into kufr al-mutlaq. Because denying Allah is as far from the mind as denying the universe. The mind cannot accept the occurrence of this denial, even in the majority of people, let alone all of them. The kâfirs do not deny Allah but are in error concerning His attributes.

Another ta’wîl of it is this: the rûhs of the mu’mins will be seized a little previously by the qiyâmah so that they do not see its terror. Qiyâmah will erupt over the heads of the kâfirs.

The Fifth Ray-Fourth Matter


1 (None knows the ghayb save Allah)

2 (The gathering places for dhikr or lesson. Especially for the Sufi darwishes.) (Tr.)

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