Dictionary / Arabic - Turkish Terminology

FARDH – فرض


Literally: An enjoining. Prescribed as a duty.

As a term of fiqh: The decree of Allah that is wâjib to practice. Not to practise a fardh is a sin, and its denial is kufr. Rigid commands of Allah that are certain in the Qur’an and hadiths. For example, not committing shirk, having verified îmân, salâh and not lying, etc. (Qur’an 2: 197) (Qur’an 24:1) (Qur’an 28:85) (Qur’an 33:50) (Qur’an 2:236, 237) (Qur’an 33:38) (Qur’an 4:7,118) (Qur’an 66:2) (Qur’an 4:11, 24) (Qur’an 9:60).


First Matter: The sources of Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm's Sunnah as-Saniyyah are three: His words, his acts and his states.

These three parts also have three parts: Fardh, nawâfil and his commendable customary actions.

To follow fardh and wâjib part is a necessity; there is torment and punishment in their abandonment. Everyone is responsible to follow them. The people of îmân are again responsible for following the nawâfil sort since they are mustahab. But in their abandonment, there is no torment and punishment. There is great sawâb in performance and following them; substituting and changing them is bid’ah, dhalâlah and a great error. As for his exalted customary actions and admirable conduct, to imitate and follow them are extremely commendable in terms of hikmah, benefit, personal life and the life of society and mankind. Because in each of his habitual actions, there are numerous benefits for life, and those conduct and customary actions become ‘ibâdah through conforming to them.

Yes, since, by the agreement of both friend and foe, the person of Ahmad (asm) is the place of manifestation for the highest degrees of moral virtues; and since, by unanimity, he is the most famous and distinguished individual in mankind; and since, through the indication of thousands of miracles, the testimony of the world of Islam he established and its perfections and with the affirmation of the haqiqahs of Al-Qur’an Al-Hakîm, in which he is the herald and interpreter, he is the most excellent perfect man and most excellent murshid; and since, through the fruit of following him, millions of the people of perfection have advanced in the degrees of attainment and perfection and reached the happiness of both worlds; the Sunnah and actions of that person certainly are the finest examples to be followed, the soundest guides and the firmest laws to be taken as principles. Happy is the one whose share of following the Sunnah is great. One who does not follow the Sunnah, if it is due to laziness, it is a great loss; if he considers it unimportant, it is a great crime; the criticism, which reeks of pronouncing it to be false, is a great dhalâlah.

The Eleventh Flash- 11th Subtle Point


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