بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَ الصَّلاَةُ وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلَى آلِهِ وَ صَحْبِهِ اَجْمَعِينَ


1- “The ranks of the prophets and the great awliyâ possess some shades and shadows. Those who journey on the ma’nawî ranks enter these shades and shadows and see themselves as greater than those great awliyâ. Rather they suppose they are more advanced than the prophets and fall into an abyss. However, in order not to be harmed by all these previous abysses, one should always take the principles of îmân and fundamentals of the Sharî'ah as the basis and guide and accuse his zawq and shuhûd due to their opposition against those principles and fundamentals.” The Twenty-Ninth Letter-The Ninth Section/8th Allusion

2- “Thus, the stronghold of a mu’min against the previous wiles of shaytan is the haqiqahs of îmân and muhkamât of the Qur'an, the boundaries of which have been determined through the principles of the asfiyâ muhaqqiqîn.” The Thirteenth Flash-Sixth Indication

That is, the right to establish the principles of religion is given to muhaqqiqîn who are asfiyâ.

3- “Thus, O people of haqq and people of hidâyah! The remedy to be saved from the aforementioned wiles of shaytans among the jinn and men is this: make the madhab of people of haqq, which is Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'ah, headquarters, enter the castle of the muhkamât of the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition and take the Sunnah as-Saniyyah as your guide and find salâmât!” The 13th Flash-7th Indication

4- “Thus, O wretched man afflicted with the wiles of shaytan! If you want the salâmat of your life of religion, your personal and social life, and if you want to have sound thought, istiqâmah in view and the salâmat of heart, weigh up your actions and thoughts on the scales of the muhkamât of the Qur'an and the balance of Sunnah as-Saniyyah. Always take the Qur'an and Sunnah as-Saniyyah as your guide. Say اَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ 1 and take refuge with Janâb-i Haqq!” The 13th Flash/13th Indication/3rd Point

5-Thus, those afflicted with this state should hold the scales of the Sharî'ah in their hand, accept the principles of the ‘ulamâ of Usûl ad-dîn as a measure for themselves and take the instructions of awliyâ muhaqqiqîn like Imam Ghazâlî and Imam-i Rabbânî as their guides. They should constantly accuse their nafs and should not give anything to the hand of the nafs other than the fault, impotence and poverty.” The Twenty-Ninth Letter-Ninth Section/Fourth Allusion

6- “As for the phrase يَنْقُضُونَ عَهْدَ اللّٰهِ 2:

أن النقض  literally means untying the strands of a rope and breaking them. Here, the use of the wordأن النقض  indicates an elevated style with its meaning. It is as though the covenant with Taâ’lâ was a luminous rope twisted with hikmah, ‘inâyah and will; it extends from azal to eternity. It manifests in the universe in the form of general order, and the rings of that chain of general order have been sent to all the species; the most important and wondrous tip of it has been extended to mankind. In the rûh of man, it has bequeathed the seeds of potentialities and abilities and has yielded fruits from them. Those seeds of potentialities and abilities have been watered and bloomed through juz’ al-ikhtiyârî, which is rectified by the commands of Sharî'ah, that is, the textual evidences (al-dalâil al-naqliyyah3).” Signs of Miraculousness  (425)

7- “When you speak on your own behalf due to ghaflah, know that the field of your movement is as thin as a hair and do not overstep your limits. But when you speak on behalf of Al-Mâlik Al-Mulk, load yourself with whatever you see according to His permission and Will not according to your own will. You should learn His permission and Will from His Sharî‘ah.” Al-Mathnawî Al-Nûrî (180)

The laws of Sharî’ah, which are obligatory to follow for each Muslim, were established by the muhaqqiqîn who are asfiyâ. Bediuzzaman warns that disobedient people of the present time change those laws by presenting the conditions of the present time as an excuse:

8- “By using the conditions of the present time as an excuse and using rukhsah (exceptions) within the Sharî’ah as a cover, books are written in a way that prepares the ground for a version of Wahhabism and Malamisim4 Without extending it to everyone, it is indeed one of the fundamental duties of the Risale-i Nur to preserve the subtle yet important principles like the principle of walâyah, the principle of taqwâ, the principle of ‘azîmah and the principles of Sunnah as-Saniyyah that arose from the haqiqahs of Islam and reached us. These principles should not be abandoned by the pressure of necessities (dharûrah) and the permissions (fatwa) given according to the conditions of the time.” Kastamonu Addendum (77)


1 (I take refuge with Allah from shaytan the accursed.)

2 (Those who break the covenant of Allah.)

3 (The Qur'an and Sunnah.) (Tr.)

4 (Malâmiyya – Malamatiyya – Malamism: A Sufi path based on not hiding one’s faults while concealing the goodnesses and virtues. Although it was firm and mustaqîm at the beginning, at the last of its three phases, this path lost its istiqâmah by neglecting the Sharî’ah; it deviated from Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'ah, inclined towards Freemasonry and was seized by it.

In this phase, they followed a method of courting public reproach by neglecting the Sharî’ah laws to be saved from dangers, such as riyâ, fame and the love for rank and position. Some of them even plunged into the swamp of naturalism and dhalâlah.) (Tr.)

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