SHAJÂ'AH – شجاعة
Literally: A being or becoming brave. Bravery. Valour.
The wasat degree of al-quwwa al-ghadhabiyyah (the power of savage passion). Using al-quwwa al-ghadhabiyyah in the bounds of as-sirât al-mustaqîm. Giving freely of one’s rûh with love and eagerness for the defence of the laws of Islam and the upholding of the Word of Tawhîd.
(Please refer also to the Compilation on As-Sirât Al-Mustaqîm.)
“The authorities on Hadith and foremost Imam Bukhari report that it was rumoured one night that the enemy was attacking outside Madinah al-Munawwarah. Brave horsemen went out to investigate. On the way, they saw someone coming. They looked and saw that it was Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm. He told them there was nothing. He had mounted Abu Talha's famous horse, as his sacred shajâ'ah impelled him to, and had gone before everyone else to investigate, then returned.” The Letters (190-191 )
“After the Qur'an, the greatest miracle of Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm was his own self. That is, the elevated moral virtues brought together in his person which as friend and foe agreed, every aspect of which were of the very highest level. A hero of the shajâ'ah, Hazrat 'Ali, said again and again: "Whenever the fighting grew fierce, we would take refuge behind Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm." Like this, he was the highest and unattainable degree in all praiseworthy qualities.” The Letters ( 219 )
As for the Shi'a the khilâfah1, they have no right over Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'ah other than shame because they decrease the value of Hazrat ‘Ali (ra), and their madhab necessitates accusing him of immorality, although they claim to have tremendous love for him. Because they say, “Although Hazrat Siddîq and Hazrat ‘Umar (ra) were wrong, Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) made concessions to them. He dissembled according to the Shi'a terminology, that is, he was frightened of them and behaved hypocritically.” I wonder: is it love to see a person who was such a hero of Islam, won the title "Asadullah"2 and was the commander and guide of the siddîqîn as a person having riyâ and showing feigned love for people he did not love out of fear, making concessions to them in fear for more than twenty years, and accepting to follow the unjust? Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) would reject a love of that sort. Thus, the people of haqq's way in no way decreases the value of Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) or levels accusations of immorality against him. They do not attribute cowardice to such a wondrous shajâ'ah; they say, "Hazrat ‘Ali (ra) would not have acknowledged or obeyed the Rightly-Guided khalîfah for even a moment if he had not considered them to be rightful. It means that since he considered them rightful and superior, he subjugated his endeavour and shajâ'ah to the path of worshipping the haqq.”
The Fourth Flash