BID’AH - بدعة
The customs, living styles and bâtil understandings of Europe and foreigners (in the aspect of religion), which replaced the Islamic customs and understandings that originated from the Qur’an and Sunnah as-Saniyyah and were practised in the Islamic community openly and accepted by ahl al-sunnah Imams. For example, attires and clothing, relations in the social life, morality and tarbiyyah and the life of ‘ibâdah. That is to say, the styles, shapes, habits and customs that spread into every area of personal and social life, which are under the dominion of religion. They cause Muslims to fall into dhalâlah. For example, non-mahram women and men being together in the same place, the lifestyle of intermixing with non-mahrams, immodest clothing, the harams and sins which are published by the internet, television, radio, etc…
These actions became habits and customs in social life. Their being haram was forgotten. Muslims accepted and named them as modern Islamic life and Islamic service. When these foreigner customs and lifestyles — which are completely contrary to Sunnah as-Saniyyah and the Sharî’ah — became common among Muslims under the name of civilisation and modern life, thus the age of fitnah and corruption began. The name of this fitnah is “the fitnah of the âkhirzaman” in the Hadiths.
The most dangerous and harmful bid’ahs are the bid’ahs that are mixed in the shaâ’er. The shaâ’er are the most effective symbols of Islam affecting directly the consciousness of the community’s heart. The bid’ahs mixed into them corrupt the Islamic social life directly. In former times, bid’ahs were in the Sunnahs concerning personal ‘ibâdah or âdâb. But in this age of fitnah, bid’ahs are now also mixed in the certain ordinances of the Qur’an like the fardhes, harams and wâjibs which concern the social life.
There is a sort of bid’ah named bid’ah al-hasanah. They are not contrary to religion and are mostly accepted by ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamâ’ah Imams. For example: Minaret, tasbih and some dhikrs of tarîqahs.
(Please refer to the compilation of Bid’ah)